Start family therapy or counselling.

Whether you are looking to help yourself, your relationship, or a family member, you've made that first decisive commitment to take action. Give yourself commendation for having the strength to come to this website and take this first step. That is always the most challenging step, and from here, you have choices you can take. Appraising your mental health is as important as assessing your physical health and is vital to your well-being at every stage of your journey. If you wonder if you or a loved one may have symptoms related to a particular mental health concern, you should contact Lifeward about screening (assessment) and management mechanisms we can employ to make you rest at ease. You or your loved one have some indications that don't necessarily mean you have a mental disorder or condition.

3 Simple Steps to Getting Started with Counselling

Contact Lifeward family therapy and provide us with brief details of your situation when you are ready.
We will advise on the most suitable time to discuss the strategy for your concern.



Recognise that you want to seek treatment. Identify your reasons for seeking counselling.



Know when to seek remedy. Counselling can be helpful and is highly recommended in certain situations or conditions.



Start by identifying goals for counselling and try to be clear about what you are seeking to change in your family life.